• "What Remains is an example of what can happen when filmmakers tackle tough issues head on....the performance of Cress Williams powers this story...Using non-linear storytelling, What Remains eschews the easy answers of simple movies and takes the audience on a painful ride with a man who tries to do the right thing but can never be sure that he’s pulling it off. Real life is always more complicated than we wish it was."

    -Rod Machen, Austin Chronicle

  • “WHAT REMAINS is a well-constructed, engaging film where emotions run high and deep…Heche delivers a compelling performance…”

    — Sabina Dana Plasse, Film Threat

  • "At the heart of the movie are some genuine human conundrums that are well worth pondering. ...What Remains subtly and compellingly suggests that, while humans have fierce feelings and reactions, understanding begins with conversation -- and forgiveness comes from understanding."

    - Common Sense Media

  • "WHAT REMAINS is touching, heartbreaking, well-acted, down-to-earth, unpredictable…3.5/4 stars"

    — Wendy Schadewald, Short Redhead Reviews

  • "Well-acted, well-scripted, well-directed…Lutz proves his acting chops…”

    — Charles Ealy, Sightlines Magazine

  • "What Remains will get viewers thinking about forgiveness and faith... writer/director Nathan Scoggins leaves the audience wondering about the moral questions and the decisions that will finally be made..."

    — James Stewart

  • "Anne Heche makes her curtain call memorable, not wasting one second of her screen time, a compact performance of canniness and compassion that nicely complements the leads and makes this worth watching."

    — Roger Moore, Movie Nation

  • "Anne Heche is the bright spot in...this meditation on faith and forgiveness..."

    — Brandon Yu, New York Times